Sunday, 4 March 2012

when his own language is so rich that there exist an equivalent word for every word ( technical, non-technical of estoric subject or any walk of life).

If our leaders castigate China branding it communist and talk high of human rights and freedom , we shouldn't be surprised because that's what they are good at , Rehtorics and hate politics. The chinese may be communists but they are no fakes. They don't have sons named as Lenins and Stalins to show their leaning to some hard line of thinking. You don't see any statues here not even of their reverred leader Mao Zedong who declared China as people's republic sixty years ago. Parks here mean flowers and trees and greenrey and not the statues of some "Jhallee Vatees" holding purses and "Buddhu Rams "or some idiots living or dead.The streets are not named as Lenin Saranis and Hochi Minh Streets nor are the stations named Rajiv Chowk or airports as Indira Gandhi International Airports nor are the hospitals named as Jawahar Lal Nehru memorial hospital or something. There is no idol worshipping or lying supine before the leader here. Their sons and wards are not studying in Switzerland. Most Chinese including their premiers don't speak any language other than Chinese. It's only since last a few years the government has realized the advantage points China is losing to the rest of the world especially India because of the english language and I have seen a tremendous change in the last three four years. All children can now recognize English and many can speak. If you can tune to CCTV-9 just do it and see for yourself. Here where I am working it's possible to communicate now while two years ago it was impossible. And it is indeed difficult for someone to adapt to a foreign language when his own language is so rich that there exist an equivalent word for every word ( technical, non-technical of estoric subject or any walk of life). Religion is a driving force for the believers here and not a tool to whip up hatred. I will post my blog about my visit to their monastery someday but for now enjoy more pictures of The Spring In Shanghai

要中国人适应外国语言是困难的,     中国人自己的母语是如此丰富,每一个事物都能找到匹配的词(技术,非技术性的文学主题或任何的生活形式)。

意思是: 如 COMPUTER   = 电脑
                      POLITIC        =   政治
                      ELECTRONIC = 电子
                      FREEDOM =      自由  
 GENESIS = 创世纪


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