Saturday, 16 June 2012


这里有一位马国嫲嫲MAMAK非常认同楼主的看法,这个嫲嫲写过《THINGS IN COMMON》和《Malaysia and the club of doom》, 大众书局MPH有卖的, 其中有一章写道马来社会的阿拉伯化(the arabisation of the malay).    作者到过中国,对于中国人拥抱现代化的快速步伐及思维转变之灵活赞不绝口, 写道九零年到云南时还有马车在公路上,两千年去时一切翻天覆地,从之前肮脏的厕所变成干净的高楼大厦高速公路。





以下是他对于马国超高的生育率的看法, 人口爆炸,高失业率,经济发展跟不上,一大堆无所事事的年轻人,所以骚乱闹革命种茉莉花。。。。
I made a forecast on BFM. I said that we may see demonstrations in Malaysia in say the next 5 or 10 years. I did not have time to say that it will be the Muslims who will be demonstrating and rioting. The same thing that has happened in Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia and Indonesia in the 90s will happen here. The Muslims have little or no marketable skills. They are dependent on the Government from cradle to grave. They cannot compete in the market. The Muslims are the ones suffering high unemployment.
The few rich and wealthy Muslims are all cronies, earning money not through competitive skills but because of racial profiling. They cannot compete. Meaning they will not be able to teach their kids how to compete either. Folks, the economy cannot sustain this behaviour, even if Petronas discovers more oilfields. The population is exploding. There will be 30 million Malaysians soon. Egypt has 80 million people. There will be insufficient Petronas money to burn. So people will riot and demonstrate in the streets.
On the other hand the non Muslims will have no time to riot. Instead of wasting time passing judgement on people, checking for peoples’ aqeedah, checking for halal tak halal, the non Muslims reach out to shake peoples’ hands (men or women), make new friends and acquaintances, make the sale, do the business and move on in life. They have no time to be poor. They just get on with life.
The Muslims - "yet make them believe that they are guided"

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